Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes

Writings by black figures

Colorism in the Black Community & understanding light-skin privilege

1 That Got Away: resource site by Rachel Elizabeth Cargle

Talking about race, although hard, is necessary. We are here to provide tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation

Act with us to end police brutality, demand racial justice, and defend our right to protest. Your donation will fuel our legal battles and urgent advocacy efforts

Two part OWN Spotlight Panel

Being African American & LGBTQ: An Introduction

Eight Podcasts to Deepen Your Knowledge of Black History

Google Document with more resources & guidance

Racism, Inequality, and Health Care for African Americans



Resources to therapists and hotlines for black African Americans struggling with mental health during this uncertain and challenging time in our black community.

Therapy Resources for People of Color.

Virtual Mental Health Resources Supporting Black People Right Now written by Jesse Sparks.

44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in This Country.



Our experiences vary. Please try not to blanket statement us. We are multidimensional human beings and our experiences vary. I will speak on one of those experiences. 


Since recently moving back with mom, I recognize that her experience as a black, African woman living in North America has hugely affected many of mine. One of the countless experiences she has had is also one that I will never experience.


*trigger warning: sensitive language for my BIPOC community* 

This month marks 41 years since my mom lived through the devastating assassination of her dad at the hands of racial injustice. Because my grandpa dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of black South Africans against apartheid (educate yourself on this), oppressors sought out to silence him. 


In our current household, we do not keep the news on for extensive periods of time. We also do not spend an extensive amount of time talking about the brutalities. Because it is deeply traumatic. Because I deem it unsafe for my mom’s mental health. Because I believe it should not be constantly revisited, especially during a time when people are finally becoming aware of oppression and violence embedded deep in our history. Last night I listened and I cried as mom talked about my grandpa. As she fiercely educated me about her dad. As she mourned her best friend. I learned about his mission. About his love for all human life. About his awareness of his danger. 


At 5am, when I crawled into her bed because my mind resisted rest, my mother consoled my broken spirit by saying that she lives her life by honoring her parents’ pursuits for universal joy. She believes that I do the same. She believes that their legacy is carried.


Every time you blindly post without any real intention of change, think beyond yourself. Think. Think about my mom..a strong, relentlessly empathetic black woman. Think about how she has done the work to mend the pain of her father being taken away from her before her 20th birthday. Think about how she has forgiven the white community after being betrayed by them. Think about her actively choosing love and peace over anger and hate. If only the whole world could join her in that choice. 


Think about his mission for universal peace. Think about how he risked his life for that mission. 


What I think about is how disheartened he would be to know that parts of the world continue to function this way. I did not get to meet the man that I am told I have adopted so many wonderful attributes from. Attributes I hold on to tightly. 


The word fight implies that there is resistance. Do better so that there is no longer resistance against the need for basic, vital justness. Your silence cannot and will not be an option. Because you care for us. Because you benefit from our services. Because you benefit from our culture. Because you benefit from our existence. Because choosing to fight now, on our behalf is not an option.


If my grandfather’s story resonates with you, educate yourself by researching the history of David Sibeko. There is so much to learn about him and his legacy. 


In case you feel yourself becoming desensitized to this topic, do not assume all information is the same. The knowledge that you need to disrupt the biases that society has planted, is infinite. An entire lifetime of unraveling. 


Lastly, I feel incredibly saddened that until the recent uproar of this ancient problem, I did not have the strength to be vocal about it. I am beginning to recognize the blatant racial prejudices that hurt me and the inexcusable things that I spent my life excusing. I am extremely unsettled that it shamed me to silence.


Slap those plans on that vision board, manifest that shit into existence, treat this with the same amount of care that you treat your personal goals cause that’s what this is.

Take ownership over the world we live in, OK?

Continue working ~~

My Grandmother - My Gogo

Interview with Elizabeth Sibeko - PAC Women & Labour Coordinator, at the United Nations. She talks about the PAC fundraising tour to the United States and the experiences of children and women in Azania struggling against the racist white supremacist apartheid regime.